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The Language of Worms

Author(s): Keats Conley

Presentation: oral

“The Language of Worms” is a collection of independent pieces of creative writing united in an arch that grapples with the capabilities and limitations of the written word, the existence or nonexistence of God, and the wondrousness and weirdness of the natural world. Like the subject matter, the forms of the pieces cross the confines of the standard creative writing genres—the line between poetry and creative nonfiction is blurred. Poetry is, in a way, always nonfiction, expressing some form of truth, and creative nonfiction can utilize the techniques of poetry—imagery, onomonopia, metaphor—to function as a form of prose poetry. On the scale of writing styles, scientific textbooks may seem at the opposite side of the spectrum from both poetry and creative nonfiction, but in “The Language of Worms” I try to unite these two literary forms, allowing seemingly dry biological facts to speak with a more enlivened voice.


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