Seventeenth Annual
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Saturday April 30, 2022
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College Students Engagement in Hook-up Culture: Relationships

AUTHOR: Emily Fox
FACULTY: Jen Wallin-Ruschman
DEPARTMENT: Psychology


The college experience is more than just academics but is filled with partying, late night adventures, lifelong friends, and lots of casual sex. Older literature on hook-up culture in college makes it seem as if every student is engaging in casual sex and has no desire to settle down. Although more recent literature may be suggesting the opposite, college students are not engaging in hook-ups as much as previously thought and actually want serious relationships instead. This leaves us asking, what role does college students' engagements in hook-up culture play in their desire to develop serious, long-term relationships? Using open-ended surveys and semi-structured interviews, I explored students' perceptions and experiences with hook-ups, hook-up culture and relationships at the College of Idaho. After conducting a thematic content analysis on the 89 survey responses, my results indicated that both those who engage and don't engage in hook-ups seem to desire a long-term relationship. Yet participants did express the fear of missing out on that sought after college hook-up experience. These findings will clarify the college culture around casual sex and long-term romantic relationships. Understanding the actual practices of students versus perceptions will offer opportunities for students to engage in the romantic and sexual activities they desire, versus what they believe is expected of them.

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The College of Idaho     2112 Cleveland Blvd Caldwell, ID  8360     USA 208-459-5011    800-2C-IDAHO