Seventeenth Annual
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Saturday April 30, 2022
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Theories of Management Applied in Autovol

AUTHOR: Annabelle Garcia
FACULTY: Alex Erolin
DEPARTMENT: Business and Accounting


There are several theories of management in which the best approach for the workplace is debated. However, there is little information about which management approach(es) work best in a high-tech, competitive era where importance on employee satisfaction is being demanded from workers, yet efficiency is still being strived for by companies. Therefore, to understand which management theories are most effective in satisfying employees without sacrificing success, a case study was conducted on Autovol, a start-up robotic modular construction company within the Treasure Valley. Three interviews of executives from Autovol were conducted to establish possible commonalities between the three individuals' management styles and how this contributes to the company's overall success and efficiency. An analysis of the interviews concluded that no single approach is used exclusively within Autovol but rather all approaches are utilized depending on different circumstances; also known as the contingency approach. The contingency approach supports acceptance of differences in leadership styles as displayed by each executive's contrasting methods of conflict resolution. The contingency approach paired with an emphasis on company culture and utilization of each executive's different leadership styles suggests a possible relationship in contributing to Autovol's low turnover rates, high employee satisfaction, and overall success. These findings support a call to action for many companies with high turnover rates to reevaluate the management styles of their executives and consider ways in which to create an employee-orientated culture in a time where employees are putting greater emphasis on their well-being.

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