Study Abroad

International study for an academic year, semester or summer is strongly encouraged for all Albertson students.  Any major—business, science, education, the arts and humanities—is enriched by experiencing institutions and practices of another culture.

Broad trends around the world are bringing countries closer together—economically, culturally and on a people-to-people basis.  The college can help provide for the educational needs of students who wish to have an active role in this increasingly interdependent world.  If students want to combine scholarly achievement with personal growth and self-discovery in a creative and enjoyable environment, international study can become a part of the Albertson experience.

Many academically appropriate programs throughout the world are open to qualified students.  The college provides an opportunity for the student -  working with professors - to develop a coordinated program that includes study abroad, language learning and courses in an academic major.  Albertson supports student candidates for Rotary, Marshall, Fulbright, and Rhodes scholarships as well as other awards for undergraduate and graduate studies abroad.  Students should consult with the off-campus program coordinator to develop an individualized study abroad program. 

For more information, visit the Study Abroad pages on the Albertson College website.