Philosophy and Religion - Philosophy (PHI) Courses

PHI-202 Introduction to Philosophy 3 credits

A topical introduction to philosophy through the study of selected problems and figures. Emphasis will be placed upon learning to read, write and think critically. Students may take more than one topic. Specific topics are listed below.

PHI-202.1 The Good Life 3 credits

A study of how we ought to live. .

PHI-202.3 Bioethics 3 credits

A study of the ethical issues relating to the research and practice of medicine. Topics may include: genetic testing, reproductive and end-of-life decisions, the role of value in assessing evidence and the definition of "disease." .

PHI-202.4 Justice 3 credits

A study of the nature of justice. Specific topics may include: civil disobedience, punishment v. rehabilitation, and the death penalty. .

PHI-202.5 Knowledge & Morality 3 credits

An introduction to philosophy through the investigation of the links between what we know about the world and how we should act. Topics may include: Is there such a thing as moral knowledge or is morality merely a matter of individual or cultural preferences? Is knowing what is right necessary for consistently doing what is right? If I really know that something is right, does that mean I will I do it? Readings may include selections from Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Nietzsche.

PHI-214 Introduction to Logic 3 credits

An introduction to symbolic logic through first order predicate logic.

PHI-215 Plato's Republic 3 credits

Prerequisites: FYS-101

A close reading and consideration of Plato's masterpiece, The Republic, focusing on its theories of justice, the good life, education and their interrealtions.

PHI-294 Independent Study 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Intended for non-majors or freshman/sophomore level students who have declared a philosophy major or minor. See independent study guidelines .

PHI-309 Feminist Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: FYS-101

A study of topics in feminist philosophy, which may include political theory and ethics.

PHI-310 Ancient Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: FYS-101

A survey of Western philosophy from the pre-Socratics through Aristotle.

PHI-311 Modern Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: FYS-101

A survey of Western philosophy from Hobbes to Kant.

PHI-322 Marx, Nietzsche & Freud 3 credits

Prerequisites: FYS-101

A study of selected topics in the thought of Marx, Nietzsche and Freud with special emphasis on their critiques of rationality and modern culture, and contemporary responses.

PHI-331 Ethics 3 credits

Prerequisites: FYS-101

A study of historical and contemporary works in ethical theory.

PHI-340 Environmental Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: FYS-101

A critical examination of environmental ethics and the philosophical theories on which they depend. Topics may include: animal welfare, utilitarianism, deep ecology, the land ethic and eco-feminism.

PHI-351 Philosophy of Religion 3 credits

Prerequisites: One course in philosophy or religion.

(Same as REL-351.) A philosophical consideration of such fundamental ideas as the existence and nature of God, evil, miracles, freedom and immortality with special attention given to religious language and to representative systems of thought.

PHI-367 Buddist Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: One of: REL-115, REL-300, REL-351, REL-352 or REL-353; or one course in philosophy.

An intermediate level survey of the major classical and contemporary philosophical approaches to the defining topics and problems of Buddhism, including "no self," "emptiness," "compassion" and "enlightenment."

PHI-399 Readings in Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Prereq.: Permission. Directed readings in philosophy on a topic selected by the student, to be evaluated by quizzes, examinations, journal and/or papers, as agreed upon with the instructor.

PHI-412 Postmodern Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: PHI-311

A study of selected problems through the works of such contemporary figures as Derrida, Foucault, Rorty, Irigaray and Habermas.

PHI-413 Analytic Philosophy 3 credits

Prerequisites: PHI-311

A survey of philosophers in the analytic tradition.

PHI-417 Phenomenology & Existentialism 3 credits

Prerequisites: PHI-311

A study of selected figures and problems in 20th century Continental philosophy with special emphasis on phenomenology and existentialism.

PHI-494 Independent Study 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Research studies in philosophy for qualified students. See independent study guidelines.

PHI-498 Philosophy Seminar 1 - 4 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Advanced study in philosophy with intensive reading in such topics as ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics or the theory of knowledge, as selected by the instructors. Most class discussion is student led. Philosophy majors are required to enroll in the seminar each year, though freshmen, sophomores, and juniors may petition to be excused. Philosophy minors are required to enroll once in order to complete their minor, but may enroll more often. Students completing their minor or major will present a paper to the class. Course is one credit per year for a maximum of four credits.

PHI-499 Senior Thesis 1 - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

A capstone experience for senior philosophy majors in which they will propose, research, write, and revise a senior thesis for formal presentation.