Psychology - Psychology (PSY) Courses

PSY-100 General Psychology 3 credits

An introduction to the basic concepts and problems of psychology. Students are expected to acquire familiarity with the practice of a scientifically based psychology from a variety of perspectives, both academic and applied. This course will not count toward the psychology major.

PSY-101 Introduction to Psychological Science 3 credits

This course provides a general introduction to research methods in psychology. Topics covered will include understanding the concepts and techniques necessary for conducting psychological research, understanding the types of research designs most commonly used in psychology and the strengths and weaknesses of each, understanding how to propose and conduct research in psychology, analyzing data obtained from research and communicating research findings to others in writing and through oral presentation. The course includes readings and lectures about research and performing experiments.

PSY-128 Human Sexuality & Intimacy 3 credits

This course presents the collected theories and data on human sexuality and intimacy. The concepts of gender and sex will be discussed as will the psychology of relationships. The course will also cover current knowledge of patterns of human intimacy and sexual behavior.

PSY-199T.1 Death & Dying 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

An exploration of the psychology of the dying person and the psychological impact that death has upon survivors. The course will involve discussions based on readings and presentations by expert speakers such as morticians, physicians, hospice personnel, lawyers, counselors, philosophers, clergy, artists, and psychologists.

PSY-199T.2 Applied Behavior and Learning 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100

This course utilizes the latest research and principles of behavior and learning utilizing the canine as companion animal as a model. Students will learn to apply behavioral principles to evaluate training practices currently used in companion and service animal training - primary examples will be using canines with some other examples examined.

PSY-201 Introduction to Developmental Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100

This course is survey of primarily the psychological development of humans across the life cycle. The course will include a focus on behavioral processes and challenges of the developmental stages from early childhood till late adulthood. The major theorys and methods used to study developmental psychology will be considered. Some reading of the primary literature of developmental psychology will be required.

PSY-202 Introduction to Biological Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100

This course if one of the four content courses for the core of the psychology major and provides an introduction to the methods and topics of bio-psychology. Topics to be covered include the major assumptions of a bio-psychological approach, basic neuroanatomy (structural and functional), the role of neurophysiological and neurochemical processes on behavior (including psychopharmacological principles), and the biological underpinnings of learning and memory. The concept of neural plasticity is an underlying concept to much of the course. The course will include the methods used to acquire information about the bio-psychology of human and infra-human behavior.

PSY-203 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100

This course provides an introduction to cognitive psychology. You will learn about the psychology of human perception, attention, memory, language, thinking (including problem solving and reasoning), and consciousness. The material will cover the processes by which researchers develop theories and test evidence. An important part of this methodology concerns the manner in which knowledge of brain function can illuminate theories of cognition. Activities will include lectures, discussions, demonstrations, in-class experiments, and practice on problem-solving exercises. Readings will be drawn from a text and several primary sources.

PSY-204 The Psychology of Child Development 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100

A topically oriented study of the basic processes of child development (through puberty). Topics will include attachment, social development, cognitive development and language development.

PSY-205 The Psychology of Adolescent Development 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100

A topically oriented study of the basic processes of development during adolescence and young adulthood. Topics will include attachment, social development, cognitive development and language development.

PSY-206 Social Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100

An introduction to the study of individuals in group settings. Topics may include attachment/bonding, affiliation, aggression, helping, and development. For each topic studied, there will be discussion of important findings and the research methods used within the field of study. This is the first required course for the psychology major and should be taken not later than the first semester of the sophomore year.

PSY-221 Educational Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: Education concentration or permission.

A study of the psychological principles applicable to educational theory and practice. This course fulfills a state requirement for teacher certification.

PSY-254 Psychology & the Movies 3 credits

This course will examine the effects that professional psychology has had on the view of human nature as portrayed in film. Topics will include common presentations of the normal, abnormal, and extra-normal functioning of persons in this medium. There will be consideration of correct and incorrect representations of the categories of abnormality in the current Diagnostics and Statistics Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. Films will be combined with readings and discussion.

PSY-294 Independent Study 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Independent study of special topics in psychology for the non-major or major not yet qualified for PSY-494. See independent study guidelines.

PSY-296 Collaborative Research 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

A laboratory or applied research culminating in a paper or other project. Conducted under the supervision of a faculty member in psycholoy. Examples of final projects would be an APA style paper or presenting a paper or poster at a psychology conference.

PSY-299T.1 Positive Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-100 and PSY-101

An introduction to the field of Positive Psychology which is defined as the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. Readings and discussion will focus on the three core components of the field; positive emotions, positive individuals traits and positive institutions.

PSY-301 Development of Personality 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-312

A study of the classical and contemporary theories of personality development.

PSY-310 Applied Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 3 credits

Prerequisites: MAT-112 and PSY-101

Introduction to the application of statistics in behavioral science research with emphasis on quantitative methods. Topics include sampling, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. The course focus will be on the statistical methods used in experimental and quasi-experimental research designs.

PSY-312 Research Design & Analysis I 3 credits

Prerequisites: MAT-112 and PSY-101

Corequisites: PSY-312L

An introduction to scientific research methods used in psychology. Includes use of the professional literature of psychology, laboratory experience, and report writing. Course and lab must be taken concurrently.

PSY-312L Research Design & Analysis I Laboratory 1 credit

Prerequisites: MAT-112 and PSY-101

Corequisites: PSY-312

The laboratory section for PSY-312.

PSY-313 Research Design & Analysis II 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-312

Corequisites: PSY-313L

This course focuses on more advanced research analysis. Extensive laboratory experience and report writing are required. Students will design, execute, and analyze an independent research project.

PSY-313L Research Design & Analysis II Laboratory 1 credit

Prerequisites: PSY-312

Corequisites: PSY-313

Lab section to accompany PSY-313L.

PSY-323 Cognitive Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-312

The topics to be covered include various aspects of the psychology of human perception, attention, memory, thinking (including problem solving and reasoning), and consciousness. The material will include data and theory about the relationship between cognition and brain function. The course will emphasize not only the content material represented by these topics, but also the process by which researchers develop theories and collect evidence about relevant issues.

PSY-330 Introduction to Neuropsychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

A systematic investigation of the structure and functions of the human brain. The course will focus equally on structural and functional explanations. Equal time will be spent on "normal" and "abnormal" brains.

PSY-331 Introduction to Psychopharmacology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-330

An introduction to the effects of drugs on the central nervous system and resulting effects on behavior.

PSY-350 Introduction to Psychological Counseling 3 credits

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.

An introduction to current theories, methods, and research in the practice of psychological counseling.

PSY-360 Environmental Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

A study of the branch of psychology that deals with the interaction between the physical world and human behavior. Each student will conduct empirical research on some aspect of the relationship between environment and behavior.

PSY-397 Internship 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Supervised work and study or research in an institution or with an organization providing for the application of psychological theories and principles to current problems. Students majoring in other fields are eligible for consideration. Students are required to observe the guidelines of the American Psychological Association. See internship guidelines.

PSY-398.1 Practicum in Teaching Psychology 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Training in assisting psychology instruction. Includes regular meetings with professor and working with small groups of students in psychology courses. May be repeated for a maximum of three credits. Pass/Fail.

PSY-399T.1 Hitchcock's Cinema: Gaze Toward Psychodynamics 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-254

The psychodynamic perspectives of Freud and Lacan will be studied using Hitchcock's films as a lens, so to speak. The purpose of the course will be to investigate what Lacan and Freud said and then examine representations of their work through popular culture. As Hitchcock's work is so broad, the course will concentrate on films produced from his late work (1970s) back through the late period of British films (late 1930s).

PSY-399T.2 Motivation & Belief 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-254

Students will investigate the research literature related to motivation, cognition and behavioral choice. They will also examine literature regarding true believers, cults, serial killers, and persuasion literature.

PSY-399T.3 Visual violence: It's all in what you see 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-254

The course will examine the fascination of modern cinema producers and watchers with the serial killer genre. The question to be asked is why are we so visually interested in telling this tale in so many forms and across so many cultures. We'll consider Hoffman's theory of visual intelligence and how it can be used to understand the fascination with visual aspects of these deviant and highly uncommon individuals. Are we seeking some sort of ultimate self destruction (Freud's thanatos)? Is it an expression or our need for greater and greater fascination with something dangerous outside ourselves or are we reflecting some natural story element that we all understand? Films will include, among others, Lang's 'M', to the trilogy of the ever ambiguous Dr. Lecter.

PSY-399T.4 Film Noir: The Shadow and Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-254

The difficult concepts of Jungian Shadow and Lacanian Mirror will be investigated through the medium of the detective film noir. Effects of these two concepts will be examined with the goal of understanding how they have affected the narrative history (theory) of cinema and psychology. Reading and discussion will be combined with viewing the film.

PSY-404 Abnormal Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

A critical study of the origin and development of atypical and maladaptive modes of behavior with emphasis on theory, treatment and research.

PSY-405 Seminar: Contemporary Issues 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

A senior-level investigation of contemporary issues in psychology with a strong emphasis on individual use of the literature. Topics vary.

PSY-405.1 Seminar: Forensic Pscyhology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

This course is a senior level seminar on the issues related to psychology and forensics. Topics to be covered will include: DSM IV TR characteristics, issues of instutionalization, ethics of conviction and incarcerating the mentally ill, psychological effects of isolation, psychological issues of criminality, definitions of mental illness defenses, issues of testifying, psychologist client priveledge, and others. Students will be expected to read and understand advanced material. The course will be guided discussion and lecture.

PSY-406 History & Systems of Psychology 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

A study of the origins and development of psychological theory tracing the fundamental issues which have guided psychological thought. Emphasis is on world views with a secondary emphasis on great persons.

PSY-424 Motivation & Emotion 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

The study of theories of motivation and emotion with emphasis on their use in understanding human behavior. The course is conducted as a seminar with reading in original source materials and an active research component.

PSY-430 Learning & Behavior 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

The study and application of principles of learning that have emerged from an experimental analysis of human and animal behavior. Some of these principles are operant conditioning, reinforcement, discrimination, generalization, and extinction. Each student will demonstrate the application of one or more principles in the modification of behavior.

PSY-494 Independent Study 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Intensive independent study of, or research in, special topics in psychology. It is highly unlikely that permission will be given to students without advanced standing and the preparation necessary for doing original thinking at the undergraduate level. It is strongly suggested that the psychology majors expecting to attend graduate school use this option to conduct original research. Students engaged in research are required to observe the guidelines of the American Psychological Association. See independent study guidelines.

PSY-496 Collaborative Research 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

A laboratory or applied research culminating in a paper or other project. Conducted under the supervision of a faculty member in psycholoy. Examples of final projects would be an APA style paper or presenting a paper or poster at a psychology conference.

PSY-497 Internship 1 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Permission

Supervised work and study or research in an institution or with an organization providing for the application of psychological theories and principles to current problems. Students majoring in other fields are eligible for consideration. Students are required to observe the guidelines of the American Psychological Association. See internship guidelines.

PSY-498 Psychology Capstone 3 credits

Prerequisites: PSY-313

The capstone course will investigate the persistant problems of psychology. Each student will collaborate with a departmental faculty mentor willing to support their thesis or project topic. The student, supported by their faculty mentor, will choose readings from the primary literature in psychology which summarize a specific topic of interest to the student culminating in a research or thesis proposal to be completed and submitted to and approved by the faculty of the department before the end of fall term. Each student will take the Major Fields Test in psychology before the end of the fall term.