Anthropology/Sociology Major

Consists of 32 credits, 21 of which must be upper-division from the two fields of study. The following courses are required:

The Foreign Language Recommendation

Students selecting a major in Anthropology/Sociology are strongly encouraged to learn a modern foreign language.

Those who plan to continue in graduate school are advised to take a course in statistics. Students desiring teacher certification with a major in Anthropology/Sociology must consult with a member of the Education Department.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • To assist each student to develop the ability to know and assess the breadth of data, methods and arguments from the anthropological and sociological perspectives.
  • To assist each student to develop the ability and the depth of knowledge to express orally and in writing, complex ideas and positions from the anthropological and sociological perspectives.
  • To insure that each student develops the anthropological and sociological methods of research and theoretical analysis.
  • To prepare each of our students to be informed, involved citizens and to work within cullturally and socially diverse local, national, and international peoples and careers.