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Stress, Locus of Control, and Time Management in College Students

Author(s): Belma Talakic , Heather Ellesmere-Jones , Kelly Hardegree-Ullman

Presentation: poster

Stress and time management are concepts that all college students experience; locus of control (the extent to which individuals believe that they have control over the events that affect them) may affect the degree to which each of these variables are dealt with. Research has shown significant correlations between good time management skills and low stress levels as well as between an external locus of control and stress; however, we were not able to find any research comparing locus of control and time management. Although we did not find any research comparing these two variables, we ran a preliminary study and found a significant negative correlation between the two (r = -.495, p < .01). We furthered our study by using surveys that took more sensitive measures by breaking up each variable into sub-factors. We did this so that we were able to explore more specific relationships between each variable.


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