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Social Media at the College of Idaho

Author(s): Allyson Sander

Presentation: poster

There has been an increasing use of social media while online and through its use we have begun to change how we interact with each other. As a Business Marketing Major I have used social media with reoccurring frequency over the last couple of years. I wanted to discover the answer to the question: How does the use of social media by students impact their attendance at College of Idaho events? I am hoping that such a study will help me understand why some events are more widely attended or known about than others on the college campus. In particular I want to learn how to make the social media posts more engaging and interesting for college students. Most importantly in conducting this study I wish to explore what methods, if any, students use to keep up to date on events occurring on and around campus, while additionally exploring reasons why they do/not attend other kinds of events. By investigating the reasons behind event awareness, attendance, and interest the College of Idaho could plan better social media campaigns targeting the students. I would limit this study to the main sources of online communication the college has with its students.


The College of Idaho     2112 Cleveland Blvd Caldwell, ID  8360     USA 208-459-5011    800-2C-IDAHO