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What’s in a Name: Gender and Gang Involvement’s Role in Immigration

Author(s): Kira Hughes

Presentation: oral

Immigration, especially undocumented immigration, is filled with many hardships and takes a fortunate combination of circumstances for one to complete the journey. In Sin Nombre, Cary Fukunaga explores the world of immigration through the eyes of two young adults. Critical literature focuses on age to portray the trials of immigration, instead of exploring the different outcomes between the genders in addition to the impact of gang life. In this essay, I investigate further into gendered representations of immigration, specifically, the reasons given by this film for why the male gang member is not able to complete his journey to the United States but the female is. My analysis of the two main characters and the title of the film unearths the film’s representation on how joining a gang has a great impact on present and future life, and why it portrays certain people as able to immigrate successfully while others are not.


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