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Is Running on a Treadmill Really Easier than Running on Flat Ground?

Author(s): Jayde Folsom , ,

Presentation: poster

It is common to hear runners say that it, ‘feels’ different to run on a treadmill compared to running outside at the same speeds. Some runners claim that it feels easier whereas others claim it to feel harder. Since ‘feel’ is qualitative, our study focused on a quantitative approach by measuring the metabolic demand of athletes running at the same speed on flat ground versus a treadmill. Of the nine athletes that participated in this study, six of them disagreed with the hypothesis that there would be an increase in metabolic demand to run on flat ground verses a treadmill. The subjects were required to run at a consistent pace over an accurately measured distance around an indoor running course for five minutes. Their speed was determined by how far they ran and their metabolic uptake was measured using a mobile metabolic instrument strapped to their chest. They were then required to run at exactly the same speed on a treadmill for five minutes. The results were unexpected and contrasted with prior published work. Our study sheds new light on current running practices.


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