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Saturday May 16, 2020
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Student Collaboration on Paper, Laptop, and Tablet

AUTHORS: Sydney Ewing and Michael Piazzini
FACULTY: Dr. Kara Sage
DEPARTMENT: Psychology


Student Collaboration on Paper, Laptop, and Tablet The literature on technology in education is growing; however, additional efforts to examine the complexities of digital applications in the classroom are needed. Our study investigated the role of different media platforms in collaborative college student work. Students came to the lab in groups of 2 or 3. Approximately 100 groups were randomly assigned to one platform (paper, laptop, or tablet) and to either individual devices or one shared device. They were then asked to complete a couple short tasks together, take a joint comprehension quiz, and then individually answer some experiential and group dynamic questions. Preliminary results suggest that students comprehended the information better with individual over shared devices, however, there was no variation in quiz score between platforms. Students also perceived their group members more positively if they were in the paper or tablet condition relative to the laptop condition. Similarly, groups perceived laptops as more difficult to use for groupwork relative to paper or tablets. For future learning, educators should keep in mind that students who work collaboratively might prefer paper or tablets over laptops, as well as having access to individual resources as opposed to shared technology.


Student Collaboration on Paper, Laptop, and Tablet
Student Collaboration on Paper, Laptop, and Tablet
(.pdf file)

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