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Saturday May 16, 2020
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Smartphones and flashcards: The Connection Between Digital Media and Learning

AUTHORS: Langa Masilela and Kathryn Craig
FACULTY: Dr. Kara Sage
DEPARTMENT: Psychology


Conclusions on the effectiveness of technology for college students' learning and education vary, with research on smartphone use yielding particularly conflicting outcomes. This study aimed to provide insight into the effect of directed smartphone use on student learning of vocabulary. We investigated 150 college students' learning of words from flashcards on paper, laptop, and smartphone, while also documenting their perceptions and previous experiences with those media. Results indicated that learning outcomes were consistent across platforms; students remembered a similar number of words, experienced similar levels of cognitive load, and felt a similar level of satisfaction regardless of flashcard type. However, a significant difference did emerge in time spent on the task. Students utilizing paper flashcards were slower to learn the words relative to students utilizing digital flashcards. Based on these results, it seems possible that college students may learn words well, and more quickly, from digital platforms. Educators and students should consider implementing more digital flashcards, and potentially smartphone use as well, into their learning curriculum.


Smartphones and Flashcards - The Connection Between Digital Media and Learning
Smartphones and Flashcards - The Connection Between Digital Media and Learning
(.pdf file)

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