Albertson College of Idaho



Students with Disabilities

Albertson College seeks to provide an educational environment that is sensitive to the needs of students with disabilities.  The College provides reasonable services to enrolled students who have a documented permanent or temporary physical, mental, or sensory disability that qualifies the student for academic accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Students with disabilities are encouraged to notify the College of potential ADA or 504 status during the admission process.

Albertson College provides services to its students with disabilities through the Student Disability Services office of the Department of Student Affairs.  Student Affairs staff members and the Disability Services Coordinator will meet with students who indicate they have disabilities to help the student arrange for reasonable accommodations and identify off-campus sources of support.

To Obtain Services, a Student Must:

  1. Submit a written request for accommodations to the Student Disability Services Office indicating the condition and the types of accommodations the student desires. Requests should be made immediately after notification of admission.
  2. Submit appropriate documentation of the diagnosed disability from a qualified treatment provider. This documentation must indicate the nature, extent, and the academic implications of the disability. This documentation must also indicate the types of accommodation and services the student is currently receiving. The assessment must have been completed within the past three years.
  3. Provide a signed release of information form that allows the college to communicate with the student's doctors and service providers for the purpose of providing requested accommodations. It is also recommended that students sign the FERPA release during summer orientation.
  4. Provide contact information for the doctors and service providers listed on the release of information form.
  5. Schedule an appointment with the Study Skills/Disability Services Coordinator either by calling (208) 459-5683 or by contacting an Admission Counselor. The college prefers to collect the information cited here and then meet with the student. This meeting may occur when the student is on campus for summer orientation.

NOTE:  The College will not ignore or excuse behavioral manifestations (in conflict with College expectations or code of conduct) resulting from various disabilities.  The College holds all students to the same standards of performance and behaviors.

Strategies for Success Program

Strategies for Success is an innovative college program for bright, motivated students with language-based disabilities who have been accepted into Albertson College. The program operates in partnership with the Lee Pesky Learning Center of Boise. Participants receive individualized learning assistance plans based on their psycho-educational assessment. Educational specialists provide one-on-one instruction on-site at Albertson College. Progress is evaluated through pre- and post-examinations and ongoing academic review.

Expenses for program

The cost of this program is based on the semester or term of enrollment and the level of service. Click here for more details.

To apply for the program applicants must:

  1. Complete an application for admission to Albertson College.
  2. Contact the Lee Pesky Learning Center to request an application for the program.

Albertson College of Idaho • 2112 Cleveland Blvd. • Caldwell, ID 83605
(208)459-5011 • Fax (208)459-5175
Copyright © 2005 Albertson College of Idaho. All rights reserved.