Albertson College of Idaho



Special Opportunities

Leadership Program

The Albertson Leadership Program is an interdisciplinary program which stresses preparation for leadership responsibilities. In the spring semester of their freshman year, students who have demonstrated leadership potential in their academic and extracurricular activities will be invited to attend a series of leadership workshops designed to help them identify their leadership potential. If they are interested in the program and their overall performance and academic competencies merit, they will participate in the program during their junior and senior years.

The program is available as an interdisciplinary minor. It stresses the development of oral and written communication competencies, quantitative and analytical reasoning abilities, knowledge of decision-making processes and judgments, understanding and developing a global perspective, and breadth of historical and cultural learning.

The unique feature of the program is the leadership seminars which emphasize integrative thinking. The major challenge in modern democratic societies is no longer our capacity to produce experts, but rather our capacity to marry expertise to purpose: to produce leaders who can relate disparate facts to a coherent theory, and fashion programs that are part of a strategic plan to shape the future. The leadership seminars are a creative, interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature, content and personal qualities of leadership in democratic societies and in the many public and private areas in which leadership is exercised. The issues around which the seminars revolve are those most likely to be critical during the coming decades.

In addition to the seminars, other features include a personalized combination of course selection, a two-year mentor relationship with a person in a key leadership position who helps the student understand their leadership role within an organization or community context, a junior-senior summer internship, and advising sessions.

A full description of the Albertson Leadership Program may be obtained from Wallace Lonergan, Director, Albertson Leadership Program, Room 218, Kathryn Albertson International Center.

Albertson College of Idaho • 2112 Cleveland Blvd. • Caldwell, ID 83605
(208)459-5011 • Fax (208)459-5175
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