Auditing and Non-credit Instruction

Students who wish to attend classes not included in their program may, with the permission of the instructor, enroll as auditors. Auditors are listeners and may not participate in a class in any other way. The instructor may require certain standards of attendance and conduct and may cancel the registration of any auditor who does not meet the prescribed standards. An auditor who is absent without explanation for a period of three weeks in the fall and spring semesters or seven consecutive days in the winter session is dropped from the course by the instructor. In such cases, the course does not appear on the student’s record. The auditor may change registration and receive credit provided this change is made before the end of the time allowed for adding courses and all necessary tuition is paid. Courses audited do not count as part of the student’s load for veterans’ benefits. A mark of "AU" is recorded for audited courses.

A student who wishes to participate in a course without receiving credit may, with the permission of the instructor, register for non-credit instruction provided all necessary tuition is paid. The registrant has full claim on the time of the instructor and may participate in all class activities. The instructor may require the non-credit student to participate as fully in the class as the students registered for credit. If the instructor feels that the non-credit student is not meeting prescribed obligations, the student’s registration may be canceled. A non-credit student who is absent without explanation for a period of three weeks in the fall or spring semesters or seven consecutive days in the winter session will be dropped from the course by the instructor, and a withdrawal will be noted on the student’s record. The student may change registration from non-credit to credit, providing this change is effected before the end of the time allowed for adding courses. A mark of "NC" is recorded for non-credit courses.