Majors and Concentrations

Not later than the beginning of the junior year, and preferably at the beginning of the sophomore year, each student must, with the approval of the department concerned, file with the registrar a statement indicating a major field of study and the name of a major faculty advisor. The advisor must approve the selection of courses by which the student proposes to meet any requirements in the major. A student may change majors at any time by completing an application obtained from the registrar.

Although it is possible for a student to graduate with a double major, both the student and the student’s advisor must be circumspect in making such a decision. A double major requires concentration in two discrete fields of study. While it is impractical to identify all fields possible for such concentration, some fields exclude themselves from consideration.

Departments may require transfer students to complete an approved amount of course work (ordinarily at least one-fourth of the requirements) at Albertson before majors can be certified. (See department information for requirements in the various majors.)

ACI Majors and Concentrations
ACI Majors Cooperative Degrees