Albertson College of Idaho


Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990

This legislation requires the disclosure of information on completion and graduation rates, as well as security policies and procedures, crimes and crime rates. This information is in a variety of campus publications, including this handbook, and is available upon request.
In compliance with the Campus Security Act, the college is furnishing the following information.

Albertson College Department of Campus Safety is the safety and security division of the college. Officers are assigned to this department after a complete and thorough background investigation. Annual, as well as on-going, training is provided. Both full and part-time officers come from a variety of safety and security backgrounds including law enforcement, fire department, military, and private security. These officers are supervised by the Director of Campus Safety. The officers handle the full range of public safety services and enforce all laws as well as college policies.

The college also works closely with the Caldwell Police Department, Canyon County Sheriff and Prosecutor's Victim/Witness Program. Any reports of incidents involving Albertson students, on or off campus, are forwarded to the Dean of Student Affairs (or his designee) so that the best interests of students, employees and the community can be served. Albertson considers personal safety a priority. Incident reports and safety concerns are reviewed and acted upon according to professional law enforcement standards.
Students are required to comply with the directives of Campus Safety officers and any college official, including residence life staff members, in performance of their assigned duties. Students are required to present valid identification when requested to do so. Campus Safety officers may detain a suspect when there is reasonable suspicion or probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed.

Campus Safety is responsible for the enforcement of policies, rules and regulations set forth by Albertson College, and to report criminal violations to the proper authorities. To report crimes or emergencies, members of the college community should call 459-5151 if off campus or x5151 from any campus extension. For life-threatening emergencies, call 9-911 from any campus extension or press the red button on any courtesy phone located throughout the campus. Be prepared to advise the dispatcher where the emergency is located.

Access to facilities

Campus Safety personnel carry keys to all buildings and are responsible for locking and unlocking buildings. This includes opening buildings for special events. Calls for service are prioritized, and life-endangering calls hold a higher priority then building entry.

Maintenance of safety on campus

The college maintains a strong commitment to campus safety. Campus safety officers and designated representatives of the physical plant survey the grounds of the campus to ensure that lighting and vegetation meet safety standards. Members of the campus community are encouraged to report any lighting deficiencies or other safety concerns to Physical Plant at x5551 or Campus Safety x5151.

Law enforcement authority and interagency relationships

Albertson College Campus Safety maintains a close working relationship with the Caldwell Police Department and the Canyon County Sheriff's Office.

Safety awareness and crime prevention programs

The college supports a variety of safety awareness and crime prevention programs through Campus Safety and the Office of Residence Life.

Crime Statistics

Campus Safety will post campus crime statistics and timely reports of any threatening crimes in appropriate campus locations.

Registered Sex Offender information

Information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained by contacting the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office Record Department, located at 1115 Albany in Caldwell, Idaho, or calling 208-454-7488.

Albertson College of Idaho • 2112 Cleveland Blvd. • Caldwell, ID 83605
(208)459-5011 • Fax (208)459-5175
Copyright © 2005 Albertson College of Idaho. All rights reserved.